Planning a Visit
We know how important information on access & facilities can be
Over the coming months we’ll be working to create a comprehensive suite of access information to help you make an informed choice about what your forest adventure will look like.
In the meantime, have a look at the information below and if you have any questions that we haven’t yet covered, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.
Toilets are located within the Cafe.
We’re also really proud to be home to a Changing Places toilet, which is now open. Located in between the farm and our neighbours at the Global Café, this facility is designed with extra space and equipment such as a changing bench and hoist.
Path Network
Hainault Forest is a large and mostly natural space. Surfaces close to the main car parks and around the Forest Centre use all-weather materials which should be accessible by wheelchairs and pushchairs.
Paths across the wider forest have varying surfaces, many of which are grass or earth tracks that can be undulating and muddy after wet weather. There are also kissing gates and bridges in places.
The Woodland Trust Visitor Centre has double width ramped access in and out, and we’ve considered reading heights, colour palettes and providing a range of sensory information when designing the space – we’d love to hear your feedback.
Forest Trails
All of the waymarked trails at Hainault Forest have been graded using the Paths For All grading system, which should help you make a decision as to which one is right for you.
There is plenty of seating around the Forest Centre.