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Outdoor Education and Learning

Coming Spring 2024

Hainault Forest is the perfect classroom; it inspires and motivates, sparking a connection between people and the natural world. Stepping out of the everyday and spending time in nature is great for young bodies and minds, and we’d love to help your learners experience the wonder of the woods.

Our experienced team of rangers work with children from Redbridge and beyond to deliver effective and engaging outdoor sessions under the canopy of the forest.

All visits need booking including self-led, please contact the Hainault Forest Email for information & enquiries.


What do we offer?

We’ve got four formal programmes to choose from:

  • Animal Antics
  • Tree Detectives
  • Plants and Pollination
  • Habitat Hunt

We are currently developing our educational programme, and will be offering guided visits soon. Please contact via email if you have questions in the meantime or wish to book a self-guided visit.

Extra questions?

Contact the Vision Hainault Forest Rangers on 07467 544 936  or email [email protected]

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