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The Woodland Trust

The Woodland Trust is the UK’s largest woodland conservation charity. We want to see a world where woods and trees thrive for people and nature, and we’re passionate about the role that trees and woods can play in tackling the threats of climate change and nature loss.

Hainault Forest is just one of over a thousand publicly accessible woodlands in our care. We plant trees, protect ancient woods, and restore woodland habitats; both ourselves and through working with others. Find out more about who we are and what we do:


The Woodland Trust

The Woodland Trust is the UK’s largest woodland conservation charity. We want to see a world where woods and trees thrive for people and nature, and we’re passionate about the role that trees and woods can play in tackling the threats of climate change and nature loss.

Hainault Forest is just one of over a thousand publicly accessible woodlands in our care. We plant trees, protect ancient woods, and restore woodland habitats; both ourselves and through working with others. Find out more about who we are and what we do:


The Woodland Trust

The Woodland Trust is the UK’s largest woodland conservation charity. We want to see a world where woods and trees thrive for people and nature, and we’re passionate about the role that trees and woods can play in tackling the threats of climate change and nature loss.

Hainault Forest is just one of over a thousand publicly accessible woodlands in our care. We plant trees, protect ancient woods, and restore woodland habitats; both ourselves and through working with others. Find out more about who we are and what we do:


Vision Redbridge Culture and Leisure (RCL)

Vision RCL is a registered charity and social enterprise. We work in partnership with the London Borough of Redbridge to deliver a wide range of culture and leisure services to the communities we serve.

We’re committed to improving the quality of life of those living, working in and visiting the borough and are proud of the range of services we provide; from swimming pools to parks, libraries to allotments, we’ve got you covered. Find out more about us:

Did you know…

Henry III consumed over 1900 deer from the Forest during his reign from 1216 – 1272.


It all started in the 1130s

When we think of forests now, we think of a large, wooded area but when Hainault first became a Forest we are thinking way back in the 1130s. Forest was a medieval term to denote an area of land dedicated to royal hunting. That meant that anyone living in what was “The Forest of Essex” lived under forest law and the “rights of forest”, commonly known as the right of vert and venison, belonged to the Crown.

Most of Essex lived under forest law, and these laws defined the lives of people in the towns and villages. Hunting weapons were illegal, most dogs were banned and those that were permitted as guard dogs for livestock had to have their claws removed.

However, Forests were so important for fuel, food and industry that a Charter of the Forests was written as a companion document to the Magna Carter. This Charter allowed freemen access to some rights in the forest to collect resources for themselves and essentially stood as the law of the land for 700 years.

This charter allowed commoners access to certain rights in the Forests that could not be removed, such as the right to feed your animals amongst the trees.

For a long time, Barking Abbey was the most important building in the forest and was home to royals but during the dissolution of the monasteries the Crown retained both the rights of the soil and the forest. The forest became better known as the King’s Wood.


Vision Redbridge Culture and Leisure (RCL)

Vision RCL is a registered charity and social enterprise. We work in partnership with the London Borough of Redbridge to deliver a wide range of culture and leisure services to the communities we serve.

We’re committed to improving the quality of life of those living, working in and visiting the borough and are proud of the range of services we provide; from swimming pools to parks, libraries to allotments, we’ve got you covered. Find out more about us:


Vision Redbridge Culture and Leisure (RCL)

Vision RCL is a registered charity and social enterprise. We work in partnership with the London Borough of Redbridge to deliver a wide range of culture and leisure services to the communities we serve.

We’re committed to improving the quality of life of those living, working in and visiting the borough and are proud of the range of services we provide; from swimming pools to parks, libraries to allotments, we’ve got you covered. Find out more about us:

Terms & Conditions

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